• Member Since 27th Mar, 2012
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Little Jackie Papercut


Is there anybody out there? · 5:42am July 4th

I've lost so much time, and I feel a sort of dread.

It seems like the place is empty, everyone I used to know is gone and all my projects are unfinished.

I want to finish them. And I know there are still a few people who will read them. And as long as at least one person is out there I won't let myself give up.

But I'm so...

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Would you be willing to possibly take a request?

Happy New Year!:pinkiehappy:

you better like pinkie or else i will dox you just like i doxxed your friend rk striker jk 5

Comment posted by weirdnessallaround deleted May 5th, 2016
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Is there anybody out there? · 5:42am July 4th

I've lost so much time, and I feel a sort of dread.

It seems like the place is empty, everyone I used to know is gone and all my projects are unfinished.

I want to finish them. And I know there are still a few people who will read them. And as long as at least one person is out there I won't let myself give up.

But I'm so...