Autumn Blaze 245 members · 87 stories

"I'd rather... siiiing!"

For everyone's favourite Kirin, this is the official Autumn Blaze group!


  1. All site rules apply.
  2. Please respect one another.
  3. This group is dedicated to the character Autumn Blaze, the Kirin, including stories and discussion.
  4. There are three folders; Everyone, Teen and Mature. Please place your story in the correct folder!
  5. No NSFW images, please! I find it difficult what to consider what is spam, so I would say don't spam anything if it starts annoying a user/multiple users.
  6. Have fun!

'Cos no one can silence this adorable kirin!


Special thanks to JimmyHook19 for the hashtag!

Comments ( 35 )
  • Viewing 16 - 35 of 35

No idea. I looked for images on Google and found that particular one.

By the way, I love the banner art. Who made it?

Maybe we'll run into each other someday, who knows?

Very good, thanks. Residents were friendly and polite. Plus, went to this fastfood place called In-'n-Out on Christmas Day (no roast dinner, LOL) and went to the Grand Canyon!

I hear that. How'd you like it here?

Yeah, I was in America, away from my computer in the UK. I am back online, though XD. Plus, I'm a little bit sick. NEVER EVER drink alcohol on an airplane.

It's alright. I know how the holidays can be.

Done. Sorry for the late response.

A Christmas to Remember needs to be moved to the Teen folder.


Oh no! *Goes over to help Kinder up.*

*Rushed in so fast, tripped over something and landed on face with a loud thud*



Oh, okay. Derp. :derpytongue2:

Yeah, I'm good. Writing, 'cos there's so much to write. And I like kirins because of their designs and I like Autumn Blaze because she's cute and adorable, beautiful in every way, funny, kind and is just so unique.

between the pun and mispell, that fell right on it's face. . . So how is your day going and what makes you like the Kirin so much?

so. . . there's muffin' i can do to have you specify your ype?

Ha, ha, ha! Perhaps a mysterious one... :ajsmug:

  • Viewing 16 - 35 of 35