• Member Since 26th Dec, 2021
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


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Comments ( 13 )
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Thanks for adding Forever Lasting Bonds to your favorites.

Thanks for adding One Last Lesson to your favorites!:twilightsmile:

I was supposed to do that 6 months ago. The reason I was this late to like the story was because most of the time when I read stories I download them and read offline then forget about liking it online and also forget adding it to favourites because I add it to the favourites of my epub reading app on my phone instead of fimfiction. Well yesterday I decided it was high time I updated my account with all the favourites I read so far in the fimfiction account online.

Thank you so much for adding Spike's True Secret, After The Secret & The Feeling We Keep Inside to your favs:pinkiehappy: I do hope you liked them :twilightsmile:

I was supposed to do that 6 months ago. The reason I was this late to like the story was because most of the time when I read stories I download them and read offline then forget about liking it online and also forget adding it to favourites because I add it to the favourites of my epub reading app on my phone instead of fimfiction. Well yesterday I decided it was high time I updated my account with all the favourites I read so far in the fimfiction account online.

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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