• Member Since 11th Feb, 2013
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Been a while · 9:14pm Jun 22nd, 2020

It's been a while since I wrote one of these. Guess alot of people out there might not care, but I guess I'm just putting my thoughts out there for anyone to hear. Chaosknight(just Knight if you want) here with a update after a few years

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Report chaosknight72 · 446 views · Story: Luv Sic ·

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Thanks for the Fav!!

2386067 Actually, I've already got an idea about it


Hmm. that's a tough one. I always liked the idea of Trixie and Spike dating. Perhaps a simple romantic story with the two bonding and leading to bed time sexy times with a most unlikely pair? I mean Trixie is standoffish and Spike is ... Spike so I figured it wouldn't be an easy thing. This make sno sense doesn't it? :twilightsheepish:

2386059 well that would depend on what you personally would like to see. An adventure romp, romance, unlikely pairing, all that stuffs

2386056 Well.... I f you ever happen to find it in your mojo to do so, I've always wanted to read a Trixie Spike fic. I had ONE to read and it was good. If you ever happen to make one I'd be glad to read it. :raritywink:

I mean, if you want to... :fluttershyouch:


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Hey all, knight here and welcome to my page. Hope you enjoy my work, and if you would like to support my work feel free to check out my patreonhere have a great day, and if you have an idea for a one shot you would like to see in my style let me know. Peace