Revive Dead FanFics 422 members · 508 stories

This is a group where all the dead fanfictions of FIMFiction can have a second chance.

Is there a fic you liked that was cancelled, or the author of it has seemingly died? If so, you can send it here where it will hopefully find a new author.

1. If the story was cancelled and the author is still around than ask the author for permission to continue the fic before doing so.

2. If the author is dead and/or there is no way of getting in touch with them than continue the fic anyway. However make sure you send a private message stating that you are continuing a story of theirs. (An author is offically dead if he/she hasn't been seen or heard from in over five months.)

3. When continuing a story, make sure that you give credit to the original author in the description. Never republish their work or take credit for their effort. That's really not cool, and you'll get banned forever.

4. If a dead author suddenly comes back and asks for you to stop continuing their story, do so. It is their's to begin with and it's their choice.

5. DO NOT TURN A SERIOUS AND GREAT STORY INTO A TROLL FIC ON PURPOSE. The original authors worked hard to make these stories and deserve your respect.

6. It is first come, first serve when it comes to who continues what fanfic. (Suggestion: If the fanfic is high quality than make sure that you at least believe you have the writing skills to keep it at that quality.)

7. Be polite and civil during discussions and such.


Second in Command

Comments ( 36 )
  • Viewing 17 - 36 of 36

Damn, I recognize some of the fics in here... I need a drink.
The main(ish) character is too fluffy to let die, and the premise is interesting and not something you see a lot of (at least that I can find).

Last updated 2013

Can someone please continue Scootaloo dies a bunch? It was great

Someone please continue Asylum? It was such a good story, I can't bear to see it die! :fluttershbad: This story hasn't been updated in a long time. The author hasn't been online since October last year. I would love to see an update for this story. I really enjoyed reading it and I would hate to see this fic die. This story needs a new author. The original author posted a blog a while back saying hes done writing. It hasn't been updated in 3 years now. The link to his blog is in comments.

Click on the link in my original post and you’ll find out. I wouldn’t bother though. He never responded to any of my PMs. He’s either dead or doesn’t use this anymore.

Who is I need to pm the owner to ask

I’m not the author, but please do.

Can I do it if you are done with it

375741 Not true. The one I just posted was quite good and I would dearly love to see it completed.

Comment posted by spearblade deleted Oct 12th, 2014

The second rule may be tougher, since the update killed that "Last Online since: 3 weeks" thing.

376082 What about this? Hail to the king
This story very funny and Good. dead.

...or maybe the authors have a life outside making stories about technicolor ponies?

I'm interested in bringing Friendship is Robots back from the Bliss, if its author is willing.

Happy #17 · Sep 16th, 2014 · · 29 ·

There's a good reason why dead fanfics are dead.

'Cause they were bad.

  • Viewing 17 - 36 of 36