• Member Since 15th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A phantom of shadows and darkness that wander this site in search of Spike fanfics. May the darkness be with you.

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New Group · 4:36pm Sep 4th, 2014

I've started a new group to conintue all the cancelled and abondoned fics out there. If you're interested than check out Revive Dead FanFics and please followed the listed rules.

Report DARKPHANTOM13 · 660 views ·
Comments ( 347 )
  • Viewing 343 - 347 of 347

Thanks for the fav!

Thank you for the fav, and thinking it's awsome!:rainbowdetermined2:

Thanks for adding Kingdom Hearts: Spike's Rising to your library.

  • Viewing 343 - 347 of 347
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