Chapter finished · 10:29pm May 4th, 2013
Yeah, I actually sat down on my ass and began writing. The second chapter is finished with 4500 words. I just asked AGAIN for an editor for the fic. Maybe they will now think my thing is worth it to edit. If not, then I continue with my self edits. Well, you guys know how that looks and you didn't dislike and hate comment me yet, so I think it is alright for you. ;P
Here something to eat for you.
Thanks for the fave on The Celestia Code!
1373157 I highly advise you not to be so hostile, at least not to actual mods on this site. That was quite stupid and you were demanding to be banned.
1372610 Yeah if you could shut the fuck up, that'd be great.
1371714 Yeah, if you could go ahead and not post huge ASCII stuff on userpages anymore, that'd be great.
1371489 The hell you watch me for