• Member Since 24th Jan, 2012
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Thanx for the fave by the way; sorry about last week: hope to do better next time...

Thank you sooo much eldorado for approving my story and Helping me by telling me what I had to Fix thank you.

Hello Eldorado thank you for looking at it with my story and giving me the advise about what went wrong and what was missing,I Fixed it know and wanted to ask if you could look over Black Rose again please if its not to much trouble.

Comment posted by Bloody Art Gamer deleted July 14th

Oh, looks like the site's emails are being bounced. I recommend you reach out to Xaquseg about this; I'm not as knowledgeable about what that could mean or how to fix it, but I don't think it's a problem with the site.

i have no clue what is wrong but I'm just plain not getting any email updates even though all of my bookshelves are checked to send me updates


If you're experiencing a problem, it'd help a lot if you explain what's happening and what you're seeing. Just saying something is broken doesn't really help me at all.

hey, is something wrong with the email updates system ????

I did at least I think so but yeah thank you very much for looking at it Yourself thank you.The Story is called Black Rose.


That's pretty unusual. Did you resubmit it? I'll go through the queue myself and see what's going on.

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