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Some great under-appreciated stuff you should check out
Moondust Four weeks have passed since Nightmare Moon's defeat, and Twilight is still in Canterlot... by Parallel Black 92,718 words · 33 · 4
Brave New World Twilight wakes up two-thousand years in the future on a salvage boat and finds out that Equestria is gone. With a tyrant ruling the land and Princess Celestia nowhere to be found, she must join new allies to survive this strange new world. by Enter Madness 17,648 words · 139 · 3
No One Goes There A broad, clear path runs through a deep wood on the far side of Ponyville. No one goes there. Four young colts want to know why. by Rinnaul 2,483 words · 282 · 5
From Dat Place to Dis Place He's misanthropic, anti-social, lazy, shallow, and kind of a jerk. He's also not very bright. So why on Earth would a complete stranger expend the magical energy necessary to shove him into another reality and grant his every last wish? by Elric of Melnipony 7,169 words · 170 · 36
If that data is saved anywhere, I definitely don't have access to it.
Is it possible to see every story you've read?
You can't, but I can. Since you've only got a couple dozen ratings, I'll just screenshot them for you and send it over PM.
Just one more general question: Are we able to see stories we have "liked" before? In a list or search somehow?
PM me the account you're talking about and the email you believe it's registered to and I'll see what I can do.
Hello, I'm having trouble resetting the password on my older account. The email is exactly the same as the one I signed up with, yet I never get the verification email when I try to reset it. I can show proof with the old email to show it is indeed my account if need be.
If there's nothing that can be done though, it's alright. I suppose I'm just seeking closure. Thank you for your time.
I've had all that disabled for years, since I check the site multiple times a day anyway and I have a bad habit of clearing notifications when I'm not in a position to respond and then completely forgetting about it by the time I get home. But I am hearing that there's some kind of email issue going on. Xaquseg is looking into it. I appreciate you bringing it up.
Hello, seems there is a problem with push notifications.
Yesterday after I didn’t receive a push notification involving PM and comment response back notification (on a blog)
And now today I didn’t get a story update push notifications.
So I’m responding to one of your comments and wanna test and see if you’re also experiencing the same issue and not receiving any push notifications involving this site
Happy late new years eave!!!
I think i understand. Thats all i wanted to ask, thanks, and happy new year