• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 13th, 2013


Starus: Moved from last FIMFiction account cosmeon. Age: 24 Location: Confidential Likes: Confidential I am just a passing by artist with a very shitty writing skills. Haha.


After a Serious Hiatus · 11:10am Feb 4th, 2013

Chapter 7 of Lost Symphonies is up! Now I'm getting more scared on balancing on being a writer and an artist at the same time..

Report cherrycustard · 492 views ·

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A new group dedicated to glorious Communism has come. Spread the word and join our herd:twilightblush:


Hey, you aren't dead anymore?
Fabulous! :raritystarry:

Your tagged sorry

Orange, is that you?

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