Something · 12:31am Aug 18th, 2012
I haven't done a blog post in foreeeeeeeeeeeeeever!
Well here we go, no news on anything. I pulled down B&B because I had no intention of doing it anymore. Sorry if you cared about it, I'll keep the characters around in other stories but it's dead.
I figure I should post this in here, it's my tumblr!
A tumblr dedicated to... well nothing. It's like Seinfeld...
I really don't know what else to say...
I got nothing
You need more blogs. The current one is too old! Too old, I say!
You better believe it buddy, I usually just wait for your stuff to go on the featured box to read it. This seems like a better way though.
Also, the Savior of Silk is definitely not Satan...
Also, I'll love you long time for more What Princesses Need!
*satin has started watching you*
oh SATIN, I thought that said Satan, whew...
I bereave you!
100917 what?? no!! i said hi! yeah yeah i said HI!!!