• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 30th, 2023




The Great Escape is now Complete · 9:31pm Oct 20th, 2019

I began writing this story seven years ago. It is now complete.

Sequel is coming soon.

I will finish this series even if it kills me.

Report Wheller · 417 views · Story: The Great Escape! ·

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Comments ( 59 )
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Wait a second
-takes place in the future
-no more magic, only regarded as a myth
-has to fight to prove magic is real and bring it back
-paranoia and conspiracies
Is this the the Whellerverse come to life?

Thanks for the follow!

2310554 I thought, darn everyone thought you left I had a brain fart and sent that when I was blanking out

2310552 Indeed. Spread the word!

  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59
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