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- Colour Coded Chaos · 9.8k words · 51 4 · 12k views
94 users follow Colour Coded Chaos
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Colour Coded Chaos follows 1 users
Are you still here? Are you still with us? what happened to you? I hope everything went alright.
I always found your story (the fanfiction and your personal)...interesting, in the good way of the word (I don't even know if there is a good way for describing this situation). I am writting this because sometimes I remember this site and the joy it made me had and the people I met. And you are one of those people that I always remember. I don't even know why. I don't even know if you are going to see this. But, if someday you remember to visit this site I hope you respond this comment.
Sure! I mean, um, if you want to... it's your call.
Greetings, I noticed you placed your theory into the Asylum, theory discussion thread. Would you like me to number it for you? So that it is easier for people to discuss and refer to it specifically once we get more theories in?
CCC, I've been a follower for a LOOONG time, and just wanted to say; personally the waiting is not a bad thing for me! Please don't even worry on behalf of your followers- we're here, patiently waiting your return. It really broke me up to hear about you maybe being sectioned. Don't think about us, just focus on yourself and then write when it's convenient for you! PS, I LOVE your work, and hope your situation improves soon!
Last seen 3 days ago! That's encouraging. Just want to let you know that you are awesome CCC, your stories are wonderful, and I hope you are doing well!