Remember that TwiDash fic I wrote a long time ago? · 12:06am Mar 17th, 2015
Want to see more of it?
After Chapter 2 of "Experiments", I marked it as complete, as I didn't have anywhere else I was planning on going with it.
But while trying to write another, brand new fic, I kept coming up with ideas that I thought would be better suited for TwiDash instead, so I think I have enough ideas for one more chapter of Twilight and Rainbow playing around with bondage. Would anyone be interested in seeing it?
Heh, welcome aboard, Mister 1500 ^.^
Not done, just incredibly busy with real life stuff. The past year I've been working on a major project at work (more or less by myself), which was killing all my free time. I've barely had time to write or draw (I've only drawn like three major, detailed pics in the past six months), I've been spending less time on DA and FIMFiction, etc.
Most of it was just because I couldn't do any of the actual work while I was at work - it involved shutting down/rebooting servers, taking systems offline, etc. All stuff that couldn't be done during the day, while people were there using said servers. So I'd sit at work bored for most of the day (but unable to write clop, for obvious reasons), then come home and actually start working :/
But the good news is, I'm nearing completion on this project. The main portion is completed, and now I'm just working on all the loose ends. It's hard to say when it'll be 100% complete, but it's a lot less of the "after hours, from home" stuff, so I'm finally able to start picking up on drawing and writing.
So... are you done writing or what?
Thanks for the fave of 'Frequency: An Epilogue'! :)
If you like, feel free to check out my other stories as well.