• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 7th, 2023



Maybe Back, Maybe Not · 9:44am Nov 17th, 2012

Hello everyone, (there's a tl;dr at the bottom, but please read!)

I'm not sure how many of you will actually read this, but I'm sure that if any of you have been truly waiting for my return to the literary word, you'll be interested to hear from me, and if not, it makes the point of writing this rather moot.

I have very recently begun to break out of my spell of writer's block and have, as a result, begun writing again.

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*gives a random hug* :twilightsmile:

Not sure if you're still around, but I wanted to thank you. Your story, Frtnlr, was pretty much the first I read on this site along side with University Days, and it has inspired me so much. I had always made up stories but was never confident enough to write them down. Thanks to you I have written a fair amount of Pony fiction, and I am currently writing two other stories, one completly my own and I hope to get published at some point. So thank you so much for inspiring me to actually start writing.

Hey I'd like to say it would be awesome if you continued to write fanfics. Ftnlr is one of the first stories I read on this site and is still one of my favs so I've been excited for the sequel.


No title decided yet, there's still a couple different projects it could be, but when everything's concrete (probably late March, early April) I'll definitely be making announcements both here and on my DeviantART page.

Keep an eye out for any new notifications!

334196 awesome. What will it be called? I will try reading it.:pinkiesmile:

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