Re...something · 11:19am Dec 9th, 2012
Rethinking. I think that's the word I'm looking for. No. Wait. Revision. Dragon's Bane is going under a revision. I just realised the plot I have set out for the story progressing from what is already published only focuses on Twilight, Rainbow, Spike, Koblat and the royal wedding couple. Main elements will still be kept, and what has been written thus far is staying the same. I feel as if the other ponies should get a role in the story, though, without it feeling like it was crowbarred in.
142373 I like your stories. Hey want to check out my story Ace Combat: Divided Feelings?
142373Sure. My main problem right now is coming up with ideas on where to go. Read my stories and tell me if maybe you can help plox.
142371 Alright, well you got my watch so I remember, haha. Also, I don't really consider myself that great an editor but if you ever need help with writing or anything feel free to ask
142368That could work.

Once again,
See what I did thar?