New User Pic · 9:07am Apr 20th, 2013
One of my favorite people in the world, Kartal, has made me a picture of me as a pony. She is the best. Go like her and stuff on her fimfiction account, and her deviantart.
Thanks. You made some good points, but unfortunately, since I didn't publish the album, I don't have the ability to edit it. Oh well, I'm glad you liked it anyway.
And I'll admit, I rushed it more than I should have, which is a problem of mine. I'm not always good at having a concrete plot, so when I have something in mind I kind of zoom right at it. I tried to make things go slower in my story I posted here, but I can't say with confidence that i succeeded.
Hey, Mister Classy-Fox-Guy-Dude-Person, just thought I'd let you know I dropped a critique on your part in The Album.
Thanks. I really cannot convey how much it means to me that I wrote something people actually enjoyed.I'm really, really glad you liked it.
---concerning your Soarin story...
I liked it. It was really just...I dunno, nice. Just...refreshing. I can't really think how else to describe it. Good job.
I'm glad you liked it.