• Member Since 11th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 15th, 2023


I am aspiring to be a writter, so I have decided to go and see where it gets me.


Chapter 11 of "And then my life changed" · 5:58pm Dec 5th, 2012

Hi everyone I am here to tell you that I have already sent chapter 11 of the story well you already read the title of this blog.

it is going to be more than 5,000 words long and it's just part one of the chapter because I am aiming at more than 10,000 for the whole chapter but I managed to cliff hang the first part into a chapter by itself so you may tell me what do you think of the chapter so far...

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Thanks for the fav on The Old Gray Mare! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for Favoring How to Train Your Batpony

and Dancing in the Rain

Thanks for the fav!

Thanks for Favoring Jake and the Kid.

Thank you for favoring Millennium Wake, part II

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