• Member Since 12th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


The future depends on me, and my horde of Evil Overlords.


As Is Tradition · 5:03am Dec 25th, 2023

Report TwilightSnarkle · 73 views ·

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Comments ( 64 )
  • Viewing 60 - 64 of 64

You deserve a smile, awesome possum!

Trying to spread more kindness around this site. Always here to bring the cheer. 😇💖

You're my friend-a-doodle now. Have a cookie! 🍪:rainbowkiss:

You ever need anything, I'm always around. 😌

Oh man. I was rereading Order from Chaos, Justice and Hope before I start on Fine Steps. Season one and two stories were totally wild with the world building in a good way. I kind of miss those days where practically everything about the world was an unknown to be elaborated on. Some of the most creative stories, like these ones, came from that time.


I just joined up to comment on your work. I'm a bit too old to have fully appreciated this generation of ponies, but I stumbled onto your fiction when it was still just hosted elsewhere; it was fantastically written, and I am thrilled to see you have more. Gives me something to work through while the waking world is what it is.

Just wanted to say as a writer myself, for all your projects - you have to take care of yourself first.

Though I'm thrilled to see you still making things, I'd like to hope you are doing well; and that this comment brings a bit of light to your day. Thanks for making something that shone so much my way. c:

All right then, back to vanishing into the ether..!

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