• Member Since 8th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen July 15th


Former author and proofreader/editor/fanfic troubleshooter.

Comments ( 75 )
  • Viewing 71 - 75 of 75

Exquisite series. Yes. Happy New Year whatsoever. :raritycry:

I'm not to sure on if you'll see this but I wanted to say that over the past 3 days (Really only 26 hours over 3 days.) I've read the whole Farringtonverse series. I was truly impressed by it and was sad to see it end, but it was a fun ride to be on. Wished I could see read more into your head-canon of griffins but I'm really pleased with what you have created. I hope you good fortune with your next project whether is here or not, I hope it goes well for you.

Hey Nicknack, you've written some great stuff and I loved Two Beats and your griffon stories especially. I know your bio says former author but if you ever post anything else I would be most excited to read it ^.^

Keep being awesome!

Are you still watching the show?

I'm just here to reread everything.

  • Viewing 71 - 75 of 75
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