• Member Since 13th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 15th, 2018


Master of Cats.

My Words


Chapters and Stories · 12:39pm Sep 16th, 2015

Ah-HAH! New chapter of the Secret Service. It's only been...a year.


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Report EdwardJ · 310 views ·
Comments ( 4 )
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I agree with Ed; why in the name of Odin's sweaty nutsack was I not following you?

Wait a sec, you weren't in the list of people I should be following? Let's correct that, shall we?:pinkiehappy:

Yes it is. Yes I am.

Such a wonderful studio, isn't it?

I finally, finally figured out where you pulled that avatar from. It's the Baron from Whisper of the Heart/The Cat Returns, right?

You a Studio Ghibli fan? :twilightsmile:

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