• Member Since 13th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 15th, 2018


Master of Cats.

More Blog Posts9

  • 462 weeks
    Chapters and Stories

    Ah-HAH! New chapter of the Secret Service. It's only been...a year.


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  • 513 weeks
    Of Late

    New Chapter. I write too much, perhaps.

    Will try to get the next one out quickly. No promises; I'm having issues with one of the scenes...

    Dialogue; my Achilles heel. Now I just need to find some armoured sandles.

    1 comments · 395 views
  • 523 weeks

    Ok! Yes! So!

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  • 534 weeks
    An Apology

    I am sorry.

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    3 comments · 462 views
  • 543 weeks
    Of late

    So, as some of you may have noticed, I haven't done much. My excuse is that work has been coming down pretty hard. My days have been running about 0600 'til 1800, and that's a good day. I'm trying to keep up, I really am, but I'm realistically not managing much more than a line or two per sit-down session.

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    1 comments · 361 views

Chapters and Stories · 12:39pm Sep 16th, 2015

Ah-HAH! New chapter of the Secret Service. It's only been...a year.


In other news, in an attempt to get over some writer's block, I wrote silly things. One of which is a tiny little story about Rumble that will be appearing in a collab work, 'The Album 2' (working title), so keep a look out for that (I'll link it when it arrives and/or I get the chance). The other thing is a story featuring Sombra, but I'm not going to publish that one 'til I've finished it. You've all been incredibly patient with ESS so far (thanks again), and I'm not going to put you through that crap again. Once it's finished, I'll release it, and then you all can enjoy without the need to obsessively memorize all the pointless details in case one of them becomes important.

Well, anyway. Enjoy new chapter.

Report EdwardJ · 310 views ·
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