• Member Since 18th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 30th, 2022


Author of that writing guide and some stories too.

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Help Wanted · 5:34am May 26th, 2015

So the idea behind posting this mess was originally to cleanse my palette: clear out all the old unfinished junk, and set out to new, greener pastures with new, better ideas for stories that I could write, now that I have the time and inclination to do so.

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Report Ezn · 1,442 views · Story: I Am the Night ·
Comments ( 109 )
  • Viewing 105 - 109 of 109

I just read your guide on writting, and I gotta say, that is a timeless piece of education AND comedy.

Can you help me write my first story

I need help in going over my latest M-Rated Story, Starlight's Summer Pleasure if you please? Thank you.

If I make a story could you correct grammar and mistakes?

  • Viewing 105 - 109 of 109
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