• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Tuesday



The End of an Era · 11:52pm Apr 3rd, 2017

It's very difficult to say goodbye to one's childhood heroes.

It's even harder when one of those heroes continues to be active into one's adulthood.

After 27 years, The Undertaker, has apparently hung it up.

For wrestling fans in general, it's a stunning moment.

For myself in particular, it feels almost like a punch in the gut followed by a boot to the head.

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Doing Fics on commission!

If anyone is out there looking to see a fic idea done, I am currently open for commissions. The info on this, details and all, can be found here with a list of slots open or taken here.

This space will change now and then to reveal if I am open or closed for commission. Currently, I am


for fic commissions.

Feel free to PM me either here or on the note system where the info is linked from.

Please note; the caveat regarding characters in the first link does not entirely count for writing fics here, as this is a fic site specific to MLP. However, I do prefer to do fics featuring your own chars as the primary focus if at all possible. Just to avoid potential issues regarding copyright.

Comments ( 95 )
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Thanks for adding my story to your library.


Not bad! Slow but steady. :)

Hey Warwolf! How are your novels coming?


Things are coming, slowly, but they are coming. Remember, I'm also working on novels of my own creation with the hope of one day getting them published. :moustache:

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