• Member Since 21st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 9th, 2023


Not much to say except that I love video games, my favorite series being Star Fox and Mass Effect; reading, sports, etc. I have a separate FanFiction account where more of my stories can be found.


Guess what? I’m not dead! · 6:00pm Aug 3rd, 2020

...Though I can probably say my ambition to write kind of died. Until now! Like right now. So there’s one particular story I started awhile back and kind of left to collect dust, that being the Canterlot Files. Well, I’ve decided I’m going to start over on that, but before that I wanted to make a story that takes place before even The Crystal Prep Files. Like way back. So if you see Canterlot gone don’t worry I’m planning on returning to it with a new story and new characters. But for now, I’m

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Would you like to check out this story I made?

EA King’s Grand Entrance
We all know what’s been going on with the Main 6 and Tempest while they were away from Equestria. But, the biggest questions would be: What happened while they were gone? What could the Storm King have done while he took up residence in Equestria?
A Man Undercover · 4.6k words  ·  75  28 · 2.7k views

Hey Fox! I don't know why..... but I'm going to read your Hello From The Other Side stories. I want to give them a shot and see how I like these stories :)

Thanks for the fave on Defect!

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