• Member Since 18th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Norwegian boy

still writing

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Another update · 6:44pm July 4th

What's up everyone, I just wanted to update you all on my writing. I haven't written much lately, I want to write but I have trouble figuring out what to write. I am working on new chapters to King Spike and Team Harmony, they will be out when they are ready. When it comes to Equestria racing, the story I delete, that story will be out when Formula 1 2025 season starts. I hope.

I'm also working on some new stories, I have no idea when they will be out.

That is all.

Report Norwegian boy · 22 views ·
Comments ( 137 )
  • Viewing 133 - 137 of 137

Thanks for adding All Day, Everyday!

Comment posted by Bad Dragon deleted April 13th
Comment posted by Grand-Galvatron deleted Jan 6th, 2023

Thank you for considering reading my story later, I hope you enjoy it when you get to it :D

  • Viewing 133 - 137 of 137
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