• Member Since 27th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 24th, 2022


An aspiring writer that loves the fandom and it's works


New story. · 2:22am Mar 28th, 2017

New story is up folks this time starring two certain designers.

Hope you like it!

Report Silentpegasus · 890 views · Story: Assisting a Rarity ·

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Writers that inspire me

Jet Howitzer: Never ceases to entertain me with stories that I get hooked on.

Crowley: Who's second person stories allow me to see Equestria in all of it's glory.

Pen Stroke: Past Sins was amazing and inspired me to start writing.

Comments ( 186 )
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Comment posted by DeathRider2021 deleted June 11th

Any updates on assisting a rarity
Been reading it and it’s pretty good

Hey silent... fuck you m8

Are there going to be any updates to any stories? Was rereading what there was of Living With the Night, and was hoping it would continue.

Silent please start working on living with the night again so many people love it and are willing to support you. Don't bail on us. we trust you

  • Viewing 182 - 186 of 186
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