• Member Since 17th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 2nd, 2023


Hi, I'm just someone who just writes for fun. Don't expect great stories from me, or a lot of productivity. I'm also a Samurai if you've seen me at Babscon.


Later · 11:35am May 6th, 2022

Done writing. Mostly done with the fandom as I've been slowly drifting away from it. If you ever feel like you wanna follow me, feel free to check me out on my twitch of the same name. https://www.twitch.tv/onyxfire408

Report Onyxfire408 · 147 views ·

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Comments ( 14 )
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Thank you for watching me! :duck:

1485374 Yea no problem man, I love the gang, especially Delirious.

Hey, thanks for adding Outta My Mind to your favorites! :rainbowkiss:

the story 'her knight in dark armour' is one of my favorite stories that i've read. in my books i don't mind either if there is another chapter to add or not.

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Later · 11:35am May 6th, 2022

Done writing. Mostly done with the fandom as I've been slowly drifting away from it. If you ever feel like you wanna follow me, feel free to check me out on my twitch of the same name. https://www.twitch.tv/onyxfire408

Report Onyxfire408 · 147 views ·