• Member Since 19th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Master of certain tangible things, writer, mandalorian. Commission Info

Commission Status And Info

Commissions Are: CLOSED as of 4/27/2023!
If you are interested in commissioning me while my slots are taken, please consider PMing me!

SLOT 1: Closed

SLOT 2: Closed

SLOT 3: Closed

Pricing info: $10 per 1000 words, up to 5000 words. $12 for every 1000 words over 5000. Stories over 10,000 words open to negotiation.

PM for info or offers. Full Commission Information Here.

Author Bio

Hello true believers, new readers, and innocent bystanders. You've probably come to this page wondering "Who the heck is this guy, and what's he been writing recently?" Well, wonder no more. My newest stories are located right next to my bio, here. Go check 'em out.

I am semi-retired in terms of writing on this site, but I do lurk here and enjoy reading fanfiction here quite a bit. I like recommendations for good stories, feel free to DM me a suggestion.

My most recent very popular story is "Man Cannot Live On Coffee Alone", the sequel to the increasingly popular "Man Cannot Live On Tea Alone". It is an unconventional Human-in-Equestria story centered around playing with romantic ideas and challenging expectations.

Call me Props. All my friends do, even in real life. I'm 35, and I work as a teacher. I enjoy writing, reading, acting, bass guitar, teaching, D&D, gaming, Star Wars, and My Little Pony. I also am a participant in the 501st Legion Costuming Organization (Oya manda!). At one point, I participated in Major League Gaming on PlanetSide 2.

I work as a copyeditor, and do editing work as part of Fiaura The Tank Girl's team.

Feel free to comment on my page and ask questions about writing, editing, or whatever! If you find something you like, please consider watching me!
Ky's Fratello. Always was, and still am.

Rarity is best pony!

Pinkie Pie is second best pony. Sorry, girl!


Man Cannot Keep It Going Forever · 2:16am May 23rd, 2023

There comes a time in a story's life when it's time to stop and say "The End", and I think for Man Cannot Live On Coffee Alone, I'm there.

Spoilers ahead, obviously, for Man Cannot Live On Coffee Alone. And before you think it: no, I'm not quitting or leaving, lol

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Highest Rated Stories


Fallout Equestria: Dead Tree - The Audio Drama! · 3:53am Feb 9th, 2020

I've been working with Fiaura The Tank Girl for two years now as an editor on her story Fallout Equestria: Dead Tree, which is rapidly becoming one of the "big stories" in the Fallout Equestria canon. It's a good fic, and it's 48 chapters deep now and going strong. I've been editing since Chapter 11, and I'm very proud of how far the writing and story has come

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