• Member Since 19th May, 2012
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Master of certain tangible things, writer, mandalorian. Commission Info


Man Cannot Keep It Going Forever · 2:16am May 23rd, 2023

There comes a time in a story's life when it's time to stop and say "The End", and I think for Man Cannot Live On Coffee Alone, I'm there.

Spoilers ahead, obviously, for Man Cannot Live On Coffee Alone. And before you think it: no, I'm not quitting or leaving, lol

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30,000 words later... · 3:38am May 13th, 2023

I did it!

It's done. The Festival of Friendship Arc for Man Cannot Live On Coffee Alone is done! I'm so happy to have it finally complete. It was a massive undertaking in the best and worst sort of way. It took me a bit of work to shake the rust off, and Chapter 9c might get a touch-up, but for now, with Chapter 9d complete and feeling back to full form, I'm happy to say that it's done.

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Report PropMaster · 340 views ·

Yeah, I KNOW what I said! · 10:03pm May 6th, 2023

Title says it all. Yes, I still don't know if I'm going to finish this beast. This arc gives me headaches for many reasons. But... well, when the inspiration strikes, sometimes you just gotta run with it.

Chapter 9, Part 2 ended up needing to split again because it was massive, far and away the longest chapter I've written for this story. Clocking in at 18,000 words WITHOUT the cut parts, which are being shifted into Chapter 9, Part 3, which will happen... eventually.

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Report PropMaster · 356 views · #chapter update

Yeah, I know what I said. · 4:06am May 2nd, 2023

The author's note in the chapter says it all, but hell with it.

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Report PropMaster · 524 views · #update

Update and Cleaning Up my Userpage! · 5:08am Apr 28th, 2023

Hey Fimfic, long time no see. Hope you all are well!

Rarity pic, in keeping with tradition!

I'm doing quite good. I'm a full-time teacher these days, and that eats up a lot of my time. Between that, editing work, a healthy long-distance relationship, and D&D, I'm quite busy.

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Carry Me Home Audio Book · 3:45am Nov 4th, 2021

Hey folks, long time no see. Hope you're all well. I've been rather busy getting my teaching credentials and starting a job as a teacher. I love my work, but it doesn't leave me with a lot of spare time. That's neither here nor there, though! I come before you with something pretty neat.

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Carry Me Home in Spanish! · 2:33am Jul 19th, 2020

Nice person by the name of Spaniard Kiwi made a Spanish language translation of Carry Me Home! Thanks for that, it's a cool addition to the fic, and it's an honor to have it translated. I speak some Spanish and read it even better, and so I gave it a read. It's very very accurate to the original, and the dialogue has been translated

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Have Compassion for your Fellow Man · 11:12am Jun 5th, 2020

Black Lives Matter.
It isn't that "all lives" don't matter, but that Black Lives currently matter less in the eyes of the government and police. Until Black Lives Matter, then all lives don't matter equally, and everyone's lives should matter equally.

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Report PropMaster · 610 views ·

A 1000 chapter story ends today! (The Olden World) · 9:43am Mar 11th, 2020

Hey guys!

So, for those of you that like long-form fics, we're having a bit of a momentous occasion happening. The feature box, every day for 999 days, has had an update to a cool story called The Olden World, by my good friend Czar. He's been working at this thing for 999 days, a chapter every single day! It just crossed the 2 million word threshold, if an update a day for 999 days wasn't cool enough for you.

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Report PropMaster · 472 views ·

Fallout Equestria: Dead Tree - The Audio Drama! · 3:53am Feb 9th, 2020

I've been working with Fiaura The Tank Girl for two years now as an editor on her story Fallout Equestria: Dead Tree, which is rapidly becoming one of the "big stories" in the Fallout Equestria canon. It's a good fic, and it's 48 chapters deep now and going strong. I've been editing since Chapter 11, and I'm very proud of how far the writing and story has come

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