• Member Since 19th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Master of certain tangible things, writer, mandalorian. Commission Info


This story is a sequel to Flounce!

Flash Sentry doesn't know when Pinkie Pie became his best friend, but nothing is ever certain whenever she's around. The only thing he can expect is that her company is always a bright spot in a dull world, and that might be enough for him.

A spiritual sequel to Flounce!, and commissioned by ShortSkirtsandExplosions

Chapters (1)

Spike has embraced his role as Official Envoy to the Dragonlord, and he enjoys his job. But, when an angry dragon comes to Ponyville, his job gets a little more difficult. There's more to this dragon than he'd ever expect, however...

A commission story for Twidash1993.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie finds out that two of her sisters have to stay at the rock farm for Hearth's Warming, so she travels to visit them and bring some holiday cheer, Pinkie Pie style!

Cover art by Sinrar

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, Rarity loves Rainbow Dash; other times, she is incredibly frustrating. Not that Rarity would ever admit any of this, of course. After all, how could a tomboyish athlete love a frou-frou seamstress?

Cute RariDash for the bestest person, Fourths.

Cover art by xenon.

Chapters (1)

Spike carries each of the most important ponies in his life home after a long day.

A commission-turned-gift for B_25

UPDATE: A Spanish language translation for Carry Me Home is now available, made by Spaniard Kiwi on his deviantart.

UPDATE (2024): Them's Writin' Words podcast did a wonderful review of this story. I appreciate all the thought and work put in to their critiques and all the kind words.

Chapters (7)

Spike isn't sure where he fits into Twilight's family. Maybe he needs a reminder of what is important.

A commission fic for TwiDash1993

Chapters (2)

Sunset Shimmer has been distant lately, spending time with Starlight Glimmer. Twilight doesn't know how to feel, except jealous. When she gets a call from Sunset asking her to come over, she doesn't know how to feel, except hopeful.

What she discovers is something altogether unexpected.

A commission fic for ShortSkirtsandExplosions

Chapters (1)

Rarity helps Cheerilee remember that she is an amazing mare.

2nd Place winner in JakeTheArmyGuy's Horse Words Extravaganza!

Cover art by Slushi3.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer wakes up to a town filled with nonsense-speaking ponies. She has to get to the bottom of everypony's sudden bizarre, colorful aphasia.

I have no regrets!

Chapters (2)