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...I have no idea what I just read.
It involved whipped cream, I think. Pretty sure I blacked out after that.
So this is what happens when a fully armed and operational Pinkie Pie gets loose in one of SS&E's stories...
Oh, and Flash? Don't worry about it, dude. There are worst fetishes.
Short skirts?
...and explosions?
(Note: no, I haven’t even read the story yet, but if I don’t make that joke now, someone else will, and I’ll be damned if I leave an obvious punchline ripe for the taking!)
Okay now I’ve actually read it. Not much to say other than this a nice mix of absolute silliness and some down-to-earth sweetness. It does a good job taking Pinkie’s goofiness to the Nth level while keeping her trademark insight and also making Flash likable. Nice job, Steven.
Now I look forward to the epic Flounce-traeoh, in which Flash’s boner flies east.
...Goddammit Steven
Trust Pinkie to cream it.
Goddammit, Skirts.
This reminds me of one time on Skype when it was being buggy on this one online friend’s end and it was showing me his real name.
So I shared my real name.
Unlike Flash Sentry in the story, the guy was not freaking out at all, despite how much his real name was hanging out there, like a tasty banana waggling out there for the world to eye and gawk at, salivating with doxing glee. Hey... he was being really calm, all things considered. Hmm... I think I did it cuz I felt guilty at seeing his real name, having a bit of a mini freak out and all.
Huh. In hindsight, maybe I should’ve given a fake name. Like Francis Daniel. Or Paul John. Or Juan Hernandez. I mean, I do get mistaken as being Mexican sometimes.
I guess my point is that sharing rl names online is possibly comparable to sharing super secret fetishes with someone. Except one has the possibility of spam and unwanted pizza deliveries.
Only share with those who you trust. Sure.
Goddamn. I’m going to be mailed a bunch of contraband I never ordered and receive weird phone calls some day, aren’t I.
Oi! The Canadian dime ain’t a hoser, eh? It has ridges along the side, which make it great for scratching lottery scratch tickets when you don’t got a quarter. I guess the Canadian penny is a bit of a hoser, tho. They got phased out a few years ago. They dead.
Ooo! Ooo! A ship named the SS Hoser, Eh? That’s quite the name for a boat. Imagine sailing up and down Newfoundland, drunkenly throwing obscene hand gestures and shouting through drooling, liquor salved lips, “Newfies SUCK, eh?!” And then having to cheez it when the coast guard gets pissed off enough and ram your little dingy, which they will do cuz you’re in a sailboat that’s as fast as a breeze or how hard you can blow into the sails in cases of a lack of wind and they got a hella fast motorboat.
Pfffftttt... motorboats... Pinkie Pie... whipped cream.
Wait a minute. Canadian dime. Hoser. Sail boat. Ship. Shipping. Was Pinkie saying shipping is for hosers?! Damn. She really did not want that romance tag in this story.
Only Skirts can write a story about someone being turned on by...well, skirts!
This is the story in which we finally learn the reason behind Skirts' fascination with skirts... with Flash acting as his expy.
Skirts why you writing stories where the narrator has my name? Not cool man, makes this story a whole other level of weird.
Skirts, you really need to pay your characters better if you want them to respect the fourth wall. I don't know how many cans of whipped cream Pinkie's getting for this story, but you need to double it. At least.
In all seriousness, fantastic combination of friendshipping and metafiction. Thank you for it.
All the yes. And then some hell yes.
Fucking lel
I just completely lost my cookies during this line. They are all over the floor now, and I can't pick them back up.
Is it bad that all I can think about now is Pinkie wearing nothing but a short, flouncy skirt, and whipped-cream?
Also, I haven't seen this level of forth wall breaking narration since I played the Stanley parable. God dammit Pinkie.
> "Just girls talking!" Pinkie chirped. "Oh. And one Flash, I guess. Just Girls and One Flash. Heh! What do you think about that, Steven?"
Totally NOT
productstory placement there.I see the skirts, even if they're not that short, but where are the explosions?
You got duped.
I am Leonzilla and I'm laughing like a maniac.
The beginning made me think that Flash had an Oedipus complex - it's only fitting that Worst Human would have some twisted fetish.
I am now imagining Pinkie with her goofy grin laying nude on a pile of rose petals but with whipped cream covering her like in that iconic American Beauty poster. With cherries and sprinkles on top
Not even gonna question it.
Skirts no
Not that Shimmy had ulterior motives when she suggested the movie.
Just what best friends do.
Skirts, are you trying to tell us something?
I have absolutely no idea what you did there.
Bahahaha! Genius!
Oh hey! That's MY name!
I blame Oroboro for even Romance tag-less EQG fics having SunLight in it.
A nightmare is born when the dream becomes the dreamer.
Have you heard of my friend, Oedipus Rex?
You may have heard of his odd complex.
His name appears in Freud's index,
Because he loved his mother.
He loved his mother like no other
His sister was his daughter and his son was his brother!
When his father learned what he had done he tore his eyes out one by one.
A tragic end to faithful son who loved his mother.
♫♪♫ I love pretty pink mares / they make me feel so good! ♪♫♪
♪♫♪ I love dresses with flounce and flair / they make me feel so bad! ♫♪♫
A day may come when Shortskirts writes an entire story without a single reference to other fan made pony material, but it is not this day.
Sunova bitch.
Pardon me, do continue.
Dammit, man.
Dear goddesses in heaven, skirts and Pinkie are talking to each other. This is... This can only... We're doomed.
Oh no... She's learning! Let's just hope there's no fight scenes...
Dear sweet rainbow-colored horse Jesus, I hope Pinkie didn't hear this bit of narration.
Shit. I can't keep reading this at work.
AJ was talking to herself? Or was that supposed to be Rainbow Dash?
Where would they find a pony to do that?
I'm willing to bet a lot more readers than just me said the same thing out loud before we read the next line.
This was silly, and dumb, and cute and *readjusts pants* lots of fun to read.
Oh boy, that was a roller coaster. I am not sure I could have handled Pinkie's shenanighans much longer.
Pinkie being Pinkie. Though she out-Pinked herself this time, and it was glorious. Aaaaaaand that ending... it just HAD to happen, didn't it?
Calm down there Tom
I am now more convinced than ever that Pinkie Pie has a crush on Flash.
They would have been in Flash's pants, but Pinkie disarmed that bomb and the counterorgasmists win.
Needs more explosions. :V
Did... did she just alter the spacetime continuum by squinting hard? Damn it Pinkie, stop causing timeskips just cause you are in a hurry to move the plot forward!!!
Also, Princess Dresses are nothing to be ashamed of. Dem shoulders, yo.
As far as fetishes go, that's pretty tame. No shame in that.
Barring the blatant 4th wall demolition, it has a nice message.
And is that an "I Hate Fairyland" reference in the chapter title?
I love how you break the fourth wall. most use the fourth wall break as a nod to the audience you break down the wall pick up the bricks and beat the reader with it until this becomes painful to read good job
Whipped cream? Pinkie is clearly a looner.
Oh Pinkie, only you can make someone relax & uncomfortable at the same time
Pinkie Pie, that's very mean. Despite what the tags are, you shouldn't be cockblocking your friends like that.
So this will lead to a night of passion with Pinkie covered in whipped cream and Flash wearing Pinkie's waitress outfit?