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Don't mind me and my odd update patterns. · 6:13am Oct 24th, 2018

"What If..." is kinda just updating whenever I feel like it.

Pony-Me and its spinoff, Pony-Me: Rogue both gain about 100 or so words a day each, and will update at the same time until the completion of one or both in order to keep my sanity as far as the in-story timeframe goes.

Pony-Me: Outtakes is just kinda sitting there until I have some random ideas or story scraps to feed it with.

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What have I been doing for the past few days? · 8:10am Jan 27th, 2019

  • Preparing for yet another math test
  • ACT prep
  • R O B O T I C S
  • Watching Youtube
  • Reading the news
  • Talking to prereaders and editors on what to do with a still-incomplete 7k+ word chapter
  • Creating a vector-trace of the outline of my avatar
  • discovering more open-source/free 3D human modeling software that could've really come in handy a few months ago
  • wanting sleep
  • getting (some) sleep
  • Super Smash Bros with friends during lunch

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Equine Fall · 5:05pm Feb 3rd, 2018

Welp, the new chapter of Equine Fall just went live. It feels good to publish something on here again... it has been a while.

I have been trying my hardest to stick to my promise, and actually, a lot of work has been done behind the scenes. I've been slowly going through and editing the original story to better suit the storyline I wanted, and the rest of the story has been planned out, chapter by chapter, in detail.

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Report ModMCdl · 409 views · #updates #updates #updates

No formal classes for tomorrow at school on account of juniors taking the ACT test. · 8:20am Feb 27th, 2018

Not to mention that the robotics competition doesn't start until Thursday, while build season ended about a week ago, which means I'm currently on this weird little grace period in between with nothing to do until the end of the week.

Do you know what that means?


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Report TheMajorTechie · 399 views · #update #updates

Little side-note on Splintershard's potential sister stories · 7:25am Jun 3rd, 2021

Honestly, I don't think I'ma be writing them anymore. At best they'd add a bit of extra content, but it isn't anything I wouldn't be able to put into the main story itself. Not to mention how my update cycles have slowed to a crawl anyway. :P

Report TheMajorTechie · 238 views · #update #updates

Before the end of January, I said... · 9:05pm Jan 24th, 2022

It's not a lie yet.


I did say no promises!

It still might happen. I've been under a lot of stress for a long time. Today I finally felt it start to release.

I can actually put my attention into the story now. I feel confident.

Still no promises. I've barely started writing, and even then it still has to go through editing.

I also have other ideas I've been wanting to work on and I can't control which one the muse deigns to fancy on any timeframe.

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Words are hard. · 4:02pm Mar 26th, 2022

I'm gonna speak a bit more personally in this blog than I normally do. This is mostly for my own benefit, as writing things out like this will—I think hope—help me organize and focus my efforts so I can get back to working on not just my AI Misadventures story, but also the other story ideas I've had kicking around the back of my head for well over a year now. However, for the couple dozen of you who have Starlight and Sunburst's

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I'm updating Equestrian Human?! · 7:57am Feb 28th, 2018

Yup. I'm finally starting on the next chapter. Granted, it's been a couple months since I've worked on it, and it takes some time to get back into the action for the story. I'm not even 100 words in yet, and I've already found myself struggling a bit. Expect a chapter update for the thing sometime soon, but not too soon.

Report TheMajorTechie · 391 views · #update #updates

Update 1/3/2022 - Things Are Coming · 5:23pm Jan 3rd, 2022

Hey there again! It's me, Jack/Mandi!

Alot of personal things have been going on and I won't list them here. But what I will tell you is that- alot of projects that I've listed in this here update are, of course- coming up this year and the next. That's for sure.

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Getting Serious · 5:27pm Apr 2nd, 2021

Didn't want to make this post yesterday because it ISN'T an April Fools joke! But for those of you who care, here are some updates on what's to come:

I know I've been all of a sudden posting a bunch of one shots and stuff (thank Quills and Sofas for that to be honest) but that doesn't mean I'm not working on something big. In fact, I am.

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Next chapter of Pony-Me coming soon! · 5:32am Jun 20th, 2018

And oh boy, is it gonna have a twist... :pinkiecrazy:


A Quick Update! · 12:13am Jul 21st, 2018

Hey, everyone!

I wanted to give a quick update and let you all know what's been going on.

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Woo! · 2:17am Oct 11th, 2017

Haven't done a triple-update in a looooong time now!

(To be fair, the latest chapter of "What If?" is basically a summarization of what goes on occasionally in my mind when I'm bored.)

Here's the stories that updated today:

EShattered Rainbow
Rainbow Dash: The filly that never had a chance.
TheMajorTechie · 8.8k words  ·  27  3 · 922 views
EEquestrian Human
A filly once lived in a lab. That lab happened to be on Earth. She wanted to go home. She never knew what to expect.
TheMajorTechie · 17k words  ·  24  8 · 905 views
EWhat If...
A buncha stories based off of random "What if?" questions. Eight years old and one thousand chapters long. Holy crap. BROKE THE 1000 CHAPTER LIMIT WITH A 1001ST CHAPTER!!!
TheMajorTechie · 147k words  ·  463  58 · 8.8k views

Story Bonus Chapters and Sequals · 4:08am Sep 1st, 2021

Me and my friend beirirangu are currently collabing on each and every story we do. And we are doing our best to make one-shots to keep some form of content coming out without years of gaps in between anymore. While also helping us improve on writing quicker stuff for short burst of ideas we have.

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If all goes well, then Splintershard updates should resume this week! · 8:44am Sep 14th, 2020


Splintershard updates will return on December 2nd. · 4:25am Nov 25th, 2020

That's it.

That's the blog.


Updates, updates, and updates · 12:14am Jun 27th, 2017

Let's get some important news from BIG Major to BIG Minor:

My laptop is going to get checked on since my keyboard started to have issues months ago, like before I went on hiatus mode. It was only now that I (and by I, I mean by myself and a few others) have decided to fix it; it gets annoying to plug and unplug a wireless keyboard over and over.

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Expected update schedule for Splintershard · 6:34am Jun 12th, 2020

Alrighty now, it's been a while since I've tried to have a legit update schedule.

I've got some chapters stocked up ahead of time, so hopefully that'll give me a good buffer in case things happen. Now, on to the schedule!

I'll try my best to publish once a week every Wednesday. If I start missing the schedule and/or posting chapters late, then that means I'm either too busy to write, or I've been slapped in the face hard by writer's block.

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Good News, Bad News. · 6:34am Oct 25th, 2022

Hey everyone, firstly, the good news. I'd like to thank everyone for reading Case Closed. (Be sure to check out the newest chapter if you haven't.) And pushing it to being featured for a day. I really hope we can keep this bad boy up for at least another day. So aside from that we slightly had to push back on The Equestria Chronicles release because of the massive reception to Case Closed and for...personal reasons. (The current chapter is half-way done, so it'll be out soon, I promise!)

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An Update! · 2:17pm Jun 22nd, 2019

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