• Member Since 10th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


The name's Animatorsnake or short for Anim, welcome to my realm the Living World. I'm a writer and storyteller and I hope you enjoy my content of the world of Equestria & Anim's journey in Equestria.

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July 2024 News - IMPORTANT UPDATE · 6:04pm July 8th

So, I don't know if I had mentioned this or not, but as a refresher I'm in the process again of moving, though unlike last time, this is more serious and longer distance move than me simply moving into a different part of the city. I'm also returning to school - I think I mentioned this before too - so my schedule for writing is going to be behind again. At most I'll try to at least write once a month and post something every few months (if the chapter I'm writing isn't too long), but with that

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Comments ( 57 )
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Thanks for the fav!

Thanks a ton for checking out my MonsterVerse crossovers! Hope you enjoy!

Thank you very much for adding Unearthed: Curse Of The Undying to your favorites. What took you so long?

Thank you for the addition!

Thanks for following Man of War! Feel free to comment and be sure to check out my blogs. Also, be sure to check out the Man of War Group for more!

Brony on!

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