• Member Since 18th May, 2016
  • offline last seen Sep 15th, 2018

SS Nomad

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Oh God, How Did This Get Here? I Am Not Good With Computer.

After years of casually writing fics and doing nothing with them, I've finally decided to post a few. Good or bad, at least they're something. Of course, I hope people enjoy them, but honestly I'd be happy with any response, just so long as I know someone out there has read them.

And hey, thanks.


An apology · 11:33pm Jan 24th, 2018

Inspiration's a flash.
You're hit, you commit, and you write it.
But then what next?

So now you've got some fans.
The watchers, the judges, those waiting.
A flash is brief.

So you struggle and plot.
Hope your one hit can carry the album.
It begins, the doubt.

Find a way to stall time.
Excuses, delays, and side projects.
They're beginning to circle.

And then it's too much.
Nothing you write is sufficient.
And the flash is long gone.

Looking back with regret,

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Report SS Nomad · 1,208 views · Story: Photo Dash · #poem #sorry
Comments ( 15 )
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I’ve accepted that you’re done writing and that photo dash won’t finish, but I’ve seen a few stories where the same thing happened, and the author released a chapter that recapped the rest of their plan for the story. I was wondering if something like that is possible?

Thank you for your stories, I hope that you are doing well with your current ventures.

At some point in the past I always placed faith that this amazing author and his amazing story would come back... my faith isn't lost, but it's time to let things go, but in memory of how awesome Photo Dash has been - being one of the first few stories I've read and favorites - I'm putting it in my Re-read collection, because that's how awesome it is, may the future brings peace and prosperity to you Nomad.

From, Animatorsnake - The Creator.

Are you still alive?

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