Music is life.
I do a signature because I can and because it does not (currently) break the sites rules.
That's all you need know.
~Skeeter The Lurker
Who is Skeeter?
The man behind the GREAT FLAMING EYEBROWS.
Never stop writing. Never stop reading.
Skeeter was a guy know for reading everything and commenting everywhere. He was introduced to the Pony world late 2011, but would not fully become a fan until one year later, in 2012.
After finding the site through a video share site known as Plug.DJ, he has been here ever since.
The nickname of "Skeeter" was obtained years before pony at his former workplace of WalMart. He added "The Lurker" upon joining Plug.DJ and subsequently this site.
He has numerous ambitions, all of them unobtainable and impossible for him.
Always remember, decency isn't hard.
Things I'm Proud of
Radioactive Two friends, one cheerful and the other, a bit down have a small talk. Sometimes, when you feel down, all it takes is the comforting words of a friend to help you along in life. 3,137 words · 66 · 10
The Apple's Science When Twilight gets an object from Canterlot Univeristy, it reveals a fascinating fact about one of her close friends... 10,583 words · 127 · 9
Because I Can:
The master of Masters
The First Aku Avatar of Mine
Proud member of the Sparkill Swarm
I have better things to do with my time than deal with bullies.
I will happily talk and interact with any and all, but should your actions come across as one from a bully, I will tell you so and then cease all interactions with you.
You won't be blocked, however. That's an action for one who wants a hugbox or censorship.
And my mental state is just as fractured and broken as anyone else's. If I cannot understand your quirks, so too can you not understand mind.
If anything, just know my core ideal:
Love and tolerate is impossible, but common decency is not.
The Stories I REALLY Like (Highly Recommended)
Fire & Rain Sometimes it takes the darkest moments of our lives to find the brightest 133,313 words · 1,977 · 48
Scale Daring Do goes on an epic quest full of danger and peril. Her goal: to cross landscapes, to scale boundaries... and to transcend herself. 70,557 words · 323 · 13
Starlight Over Detrot: A Noir Tale In the decaying metropolis of Detrot, 60 years and one war after Luna's return, Detective Hard Boiled and friends must solve the mystery behind a unicorn's death in a film noir-inspired tale of ponies, hard cider, conspiracy, and murder. 1,460,507 words · 1,273 · 47
The Empty Room An ancient enemy; a family secret; a plot to overthrow the Princesses... 150,930 words · 1,884 · 71
Faster Rainbow Dash is given a chance to make her heart's desire real: to be the fastest pony alive. 17,493 words · 1,081 · 33
More stories I really like.
Evil is Easy, Governing is Harder One day, just like that, Celestia decides she's going to go mad with power. 17,653 words · 1,685 · 39
Three Wishes: The Cutie Mark Crusaders Before They Changed The World The Crusaders learn that they aren't like other ponies. As they uncover the secrets of their origins, the trio grow closer than ever, discovering not only their unique nature, but the incredible power that comes with it as well. 69,046 words · 1,233 · 16
Solem Perditum Princess Celestia wanders the lunar landscape, exploring the dark side of the moon. What she discovers there may be more than she can handle. 29,483 words · 239 · 8
Of Lilies and Chestnuts Unable to have a child of their own, Canterlot socialites Fancy Pants and Fleur give adoption a shot. Enter Chestnut—a filly from beyond Equestria who will quite possibly turn their life upside down. 43,064 words · 1,944 · 25
Other things you should TOTALLY read.
The Guard of a Different Stripe When Zecora is asked to show cosmetics from her herbal collection, She finds herself in the middle of an elaborate misdirection. 10,740 words · 188 · 6
The Enchanted Library (original one-shot) Rarity liked the tale of The Four Princesses as a filly, even if she knew it wasn't real. Princesses fighting against a spirit of chaos? A library under a tree? Please. But then she grew up and found out some bedtimes stories were quite real. 4,301 words · 1,232 · 16
Photo Dash Ever notice you've never seen Photo Finish and Rainbow Dash in the same room? 58,491 words · 761 · 16
Slave to The Rhythm One moment of bravery leads to a shocking revelation. One moment of desperation may lead to something else. 5,451 words · 24 · 5
Hey, great to see you’re still around, Skeeter. May your presence continue to remain.
Hey! Thank you for adding my story to your library, I really appreciate it!
Thank you for the fave, friend. Hope you have a lovely day.
I read 4 the plot
I hope you will enjoy the read :)
I'm so confused.
Please do not insult/attack people on my profile page.
Got a problem with me? Keep it with me.
Got a problem with someone else? Take it to them.
~Skeeter The Lurker
Shut the hell up, dude
Thank you for liking my story Night Artist ^^
I've had the ending planned from the beginning. I've been trying my hardest to get to it, but I can't justify it yet. For reference, when I started, I was aiming for 25 chapters. Now I think we're going to end up at around 60.
I had meant to when I fave'd Swing.
Out of curiosity, how deep into it are you? Is the end goal planned?
~Skeeter The Lurker
And finally we have come to the final form of thank you's.
Thank you for the watch! I hope you enjoy what my brain comes up with.
Yup. At long last. I began it during work and am now at chapter 15.
Love it. Full stop. Cut, print, check the gate.
~Skeeter The Lurker
And got around to Electro Swing, too! I hope you continue to enjoy it as it develops. Thanks for additing it your favorites list.
Do or don't, all up to you.
But you sure as hell won't hear me complain about some good'ol selfcest!
~Skeeter The Lurker
Soon.Just kidding.
No prob, chief.
Was a cute and enjoyable read.
Even if the raging pervert in me demanded more... stuff.
~Skeeter The Lurker
Glad you enjoyed the small little read. Thanks for the fave!
Considering I read "Forbidden Memories" today, good gambling odds I will soon.
~Skeeter The Lurker
Oh hey! Thanks for another favorite on a thing I wrote and I hope you enjoy Electro Swing when you potentially read it eventually.