I Just Want One More Moondance With You... · 2:27am Dec 4th, 2021
And the wonder, of it all, is that you just don't realize... how much I love you.
Art by Doodle-Mark and Full-quality found Here
And the wonder, of it all, is that you just don't realize... how much I love you.
Art by Doodle-Mark and Full-quality found Here
Hello everyone!
Keeping this short and sweet. I wasn't affected by the recent earthquake that hit Japan. I was far enough away that the folks messaging me asking if I'm safe knew about it before I did.
Also, I restarted chapter 24 for the 4th time after the direction it was going wasn't working for me. Took a bit of a writing break to recharge my batteries by playing through some collections that had been sitting on my Switch for a while. Thirteen games in total...
Checks out. Had the cover on there because I saw it looking through Derpibooru, so I don't even know how to make an image like that. I make my stories almost always either off of cover images I have that portray a scene I'm attempting to get across or fit perfectly the aesthetic that I want. Or well, conveniently both.
In this case, I wanted to do a one-shot I had been sitting on for several years at this point. And had the cover art sitting around because I liked the look, and there it is.
Read it, don't read my stuff, that's the context.
Make no mistake. I didn't read it, nor do I intend to ever read it as long as the cover is using GenAI. And in fairness, I also didn't leave a dislike on it. Wouldn't be right since I don't have an opinion on the writing one way or the other. That's the folder specifically for expressing my absolute disdain for GenAI usage. If you're in there, that means that you're on a "do not read" list for me. If you want that to change, just simply replace your GenAI covers with something else, full stop.
Quite a specific bookshelf addition I suppose. Nonetheless, appreciate the perusal of my story.
And now this comment lacks the context of a phishing scam spammer.
You have dishonored your family.