• Member Since 7th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 12th, 2014


huge my little pony fan, female

Official Editor

fluttershysone is my official editor now! Yay! He is awesome! You really should go follow him, maybe read his stories.


Awesome Editor! · 1:22am Jul 12th, 2014

Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you all know that fluttershysone is an absolutely EPIC editor! So if any of you need any help and don't have an editor, ask him. He has been a HUGE help to me on then new story I'm working on.

Report memphisgurl · 659 views ·

Latest Stories

Luna is Best Pony!!!

Nightmare Moon!

This is Awesome!!!

Too Funny and Too True!!

More Luna!!

This is So Me


Comments ( 367 )
  • Viewing 363 - 367 of 367

I live just outside of Nashville.

....................................................................You should be concerned.

Damn. Why did you have to go and do that, memphis?

1264661 I've only recently found out about her ban, and I've done some investigative research into the stories which she did plagiarise. I'm pretty shocked because this user seemed to be pretty swell.


That's about all I can find. The titles of these articles are the titles of the stories she posted on FIMFiction.

1264656 Yes it's permanent, or yes we have links?

  • Viewing 363 - 367 of 367
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