• Member Since 4th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen January 29th


I am Prince John Winter. Welcome to the Kingdom of Solstice.

Hey Look, Stories!


You Know What's Sad? · 9:42am Apr 3rd, 2020

When you come back to some of your old writing a few years later, and you think 'who the hell wrote this garbage?'

And then you realize... it was you.

I feel that way about a good few of my stories. RP has honed a lot of my skills, and my standards have increased as a result. I can see the OP Bullshittery I valued once, and... well, some of it makes me cringe. Then tendencies remain, yes, but in a much more tempered state.

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Theming has returned!

Starlight Waltz

(I think I was actually listening to that when I conceived her. Well, that or 'The Moon Rises' or 'Lullaby For A Princess')


Be Inspired, Be Good, Be Friendly, Be Happy

Most good things come to an end,
but some things don't.
That's because true friendship burns brighter than even the sun,
and that's because true friendship really is magic.

Comments ( 87 )
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https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1017935/new-start Follow my new fimfic profile please. I have authentication troubles with my old one so I'd love to have you follow me again.

Comment posted by Nova Borealis deleted Aug 27th, 2017
Comment posted by Nova Borealis deleted Oct 14th, 2016
Comment posted by Nova Borealis deleted Aug 10th, 2016
Comment posted by Nova Borealis deleted Feb 2nd, 2017
Comment posted by Nova Borealis deleted Feb 2nd, 2017
Comment posted by Nova Borealis deleted Feb 2nd, 2017
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