• Member Since 16th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen June 17th


What's that smell? Is it blood?!... No, it's a Snickers bar... But what is inside?

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The rumours of my death... · 8:33pm Apr 12th, 2015

...were never there, actually. At least, I didn't notice any.

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Report HiddenUnderACouch · 940 views · Story: My Little Villains ·
Comments ( 73 )
  • Viewing 69 - 73 of 73

yet another author falls into the void, huh

Hello, I want to ask. Are you ever going to continue the Sombra: Saga of Hatred Story? It is unironically one of the best stories on the site, and I would love to see it continue!

I like to say that they still are a great author. :)

:( this person was such an awesome author!

  • Viewing 69 - 73 of 73
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