• Member Since 20th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen May 14th, 2023


...can I even call myself this if I quit smoking years ago?


On The Ages of Characters · 12:59am Apr 2nd, 2014

Recently, I've come to accept that an actual physical age cannot be given to the vast majority of characters within the show. This failure on my part is mostly due to the fact that the biology of the characters cannot be said to be the same as humans. However, keeping in mind some SCIENCE, we can establish what amounts to an age range.

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Laconic. Thank you.

You've qualified for the "Prolific Writers" section of Short Stories. How would you describe your writing?

It'll have to wait until next weekend. Finals, y'know?

1079246 I like your stories. Hey want to check out my story Ace Combat: Divided Feelings?

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