• Member Since 25th Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 14th, 2016


If there is a fic I want to read, but it hasn't been written, then I make it happen. Simple as that.


couldn't sleep · 4:00pm Nov 10th, 2013

night didn't last long, couldn't fall asleep

i think i saw something

winter's come early this year

Report DegeTheMighty · 773 views ·

How does the Pony Writer do?

"10 Steps to Becoming a Better Writer
Write more.
Write even more.
Write even more than that.
Write when you don’t want to.
Write when you do.
Write when you have something to say.
Write when you don’t.
Write every day.
Keep writing.”
-- Brian Clark

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Comments ( 46 )
  • Viewing 42 - 46 of 46

Are your a fan of spike the dragon and any spike ship

You've qualified for the "Prolific Writers" section of Short Stories. How would you describe your writing?

Helle Dege, it`s been a while...

They by all means my friend, Crack the crystal.

817482 I will have you know that in my head canon and in the soulbound universe, sombra is far from dead! Only his soul had survived the blast which is now imprisoned in crystal

  • Viewing 42 - 46 of 46
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