That moment you realize you're probably doing a little too much research for stories about colorful cartoon horses. · 6:48pm Oct 13th, 2013
Vikings use to have rap battles.
I know this now because of a wiki-crawl for some real life inspiration. I found the idea so cool that I knew I had to include something like it. Thus I began to research traditional skaldic poetry styles. I spent most of my afternoon figuring out how dróttkvœtt meter works. For how it works the helpful website I found had this oh-so easy explanation and example.
Hrammtangar lætr hanga
hrynvirgil mér brynju
Hey, thanks for the watch! May I ask why you chose to do so?
*writes down on paper*
123 Fakestreet...
You know what? I don't believe you. I went to a person last night at 123 Fakestreet!
Or was it you? (Dun dun duuun!)