My favorite ponies listed by rank
1 Spike
2 Sweetie Belle
3 Big Macintosh
4 Princess Celestia
5. Princess Cadence
6 Princess Luna
7. Queen Chrysalis
8 Spitfire
9 Cloud Chaser
10. Flitter
11 Apple Bloom
12 Fluttershy
13. Rarity
14 Braeburn
15 Derpy
16. Dr. Whooves
17 Lightning Dust
18 Soarin'
19 Rose Luck
20 Octavia
21. Vinyl Scratch
22 Colgate
23 Scootaloo
24. Trixie
25 Pinkie Pie
26 Cheerilee
27 Discord
28. Nightmare Moon
29 Lyra
30. Bon Bon
31. Caramel
32 Gilda
33 Fancy Pants
34. Fleur de Lys
35 Rainbow Dash
36. Berry Punch
37. Carrot Top
38. Babs Seed
36. King Sombra
37 Twist
38. Snowflake / Horsepower
39. Photo Finish
40. Hoity Toity
41. Prince Blueblood
42. Applejack
43. Shining Armor
44. Granny Smith
45 Zecora
46. Twilight Sparkle
47. Flim
48. Flam
49 Diamond Tiara
50. Pipsqueak
51. Iron Will
52. Silver Spoon
Good. Let the hate flow through you and your journey to the dark side to be complete.
Been a long time old friend, how have you been?
hey. Letting you know I'm working more to the wedding. Your part will be very soon. Just have to get passed the castle.
1359322 Your welcome and thanks for the watch
1359123 I deleted it finally, thanks for all your help