• Member Since 7th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 26th, 2015


I've survived The Princess Promenade. Multiple times. Beat that.


Hi, guys. · 9:06pm Jul 9th, 2015

I'm back after so long of not doing anything. I'm not going to make any excuses, I've been procrastinating on my stories here big time. I am going to attempt to fix that, and get back on track, but I'm going to put all of my stories on hiatus anyway. Generations is going well, I'm loving it so far, and I hope you will too.

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Report That_G3_Obsessive · 461 views ·

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Real Biography

I am sort of a flawed writer(who isn't though). People say that I rush my stories a bit too much. I often have 'waves' of story ideas that I have no time to write. If you want to use them, I'll probably let you. I only have three [close] brony/pegasister friends, and only one of them has an account on here. I have 5 OCs(two just go along with my stories), one for each pony tribe(and for my three interests; music, drawing, and writing). I enjoy making stories about other generation ponies coming into the G4 world. I'm just your run-of-the-mill brony in your run-of-the-mill fandom.

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Comments ( 152 )
  • Viewing 148 - 152 of 152

thanks for the follow ^^

Thank you for joining Starlight Glimmer's Dictatorship! We hope you enjoy your stay in our community. :twilightsmile:

I'm glad the introduction of my latest story Daring Do and the Tiny Tornado has piqued your interest. I hope it continues to entertain you. :twilightsmile:

1536293 [Insert TARDIS sound here]

There you go, one minute into the future! Have fun!

1536177 You better pick me up or I'll be disappointed... again.

  • Viewing 148 - 152 of 152
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