Ally Corne is just an average girl, living in an average town. She is nothing special, but when her grandmother, Grammy Tia, mysteriously disappears, she goes to investigate, based on a note found on Tia's bedstand.
It leads her to a small island in the Caribbean, where Tia's old barn full of 'peculiar' ponies once stood. It was now abandoned and desolate. At least, that's what the townspeople think.
When Ally goes to explore, looking for any clues about Tia's whereabouts, she discovers a secret that has carried on for years.
The ponies are still alive.
Sorry about the cover image, that was the best I could find.
This story is based on the book Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, though I have added some twists to the plotline that make this story my own.
Thanks to my editor Rotorix for all your help!
Okay, I'm soo sorry for this being so late, but I've been extremely busy.
Okay, so I'm not familiar with the crossover material, but I'm not sure if that will matter.
Seems repetitive. Remove one of the understands
I think it should go: ",and, pulling me with him, goes"
That just happened a bit too fast. I dunno, just not enough description.
As for the whole thing, it's okay, but seems pretty fast, as in it's mostly dialogue.
Might want to fix that.
That's about it for this one. I'll see about the next when I have time
Hope it can be soon!
4538499 Thank you!
Oh, and don't worry about being late. I'd rather you do a thorough job than get it done fast.
Alright, we're getting somewhere. I'd like to see how this turns out.
Since this has been on Hiatus since 2013, I guess it is pointless to hold my breath?
However, I would still love to see how this devellops; if and when there is a new chapter presented..