• Member Since 7th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 18th, 2020


taking a break from mlp. might not come back, who knows


Happy St. Patrick’s Day! · 3:52am Mar 18th, 2018

The story will be finished soon, I’m working on the last of it right now. All that’s left once that’s done is a story title, some edits here and there, a chapter title, and to post it. I think I have the chapter title covered but I may change my mind. Regardless, it should be done and up either before I go to bed or shortly after I wake up. It helps that I got the GDocs app on my phone today, now I can work anywhere.

Happy St. Pinch Me Day!

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Report ShadeBlitz · 290 views ·

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Comments ( 123 )
  • Viewing 119 - 123 of 123

Thanks for the fave I am glad someone else likes kindred!

Thanks for the fave on SCP Equestria -682!

Thank you for the favorite on I Wake Somewhere Strange. I'm working on more frequent updates. Hope you enjoy.

Childhood memories

Thanks for the favorite but what exactly did you like about it?

  • Viewing 119 - 123 of 123
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