• Member Since 4th Nov, 2018
  • offline last seen February 2nd

Thy Lord

Bow down to all things mighty, bow down to Lord Tachanka.

Blog Posts

  • 254 weeks
    In Remembrance...9/11

    Ladies and gentlemen of this fine website, this may not affect you (non-Americans), but on this day 18 years ago, a national tragedy occurred, two planes crashed into the Twin Towers, and the Pentagon, and possibly the White House, but we may never know. Anyway on this tragic day, over 3,000 Americans were killed in the Twin Tower attacks and hundreds more at the Pentagon. The cause of these attacks? A group of terrorists called Al-Qaeda, led by a man called Osama bin Laden. These attacks led

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    0 comments · 212 views
  • 282 weeks
    1st Story

    I've recently started working on my first story called Usual Human Displacement Story. It's about a guy that turns into a dire wolf and he is sent to Equestria to stop all of the major bad guys that the mane six have to deal with...but things don't quite work out as planned. I expect the first chapter will be out by the end of March. I think I will be doing a monthly upload, just cause of my busy life and I want to give myself plenty of time to get the chapters completed. I am hoping to give

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    0 comments · 255 views
  • 286 weeks
    Someone Needs Your Help

    An Intricate Disguise needs your help, in this blog post, he admits that he is in dire need of assistance, Any money would help him, but if you can't do that then spread the word. The more the better, he is a good author, and in order for him to continue writing good stories he needs to take care of his family and college. Donate to his Ko-fi and to his

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    0 comments · 227 views

In Remembrance...9/11 · 3:44am Sep 12th, 2019

Ladies and gentlemen of this fine website, this may not affect you (non-Americans), but on this day 18 years ago, a national tragedy occurred, two planes crashed into the Twin Towers, and the Pentagon, and possibly the White House, but we may never know. Anyway on this tragic day, over 3,000 Americans were killed in the Twin Tower attacks and hundreds more at the Pentagon. The cause of these attacks? A group of terrorists called Al-Qaeda, led by a man called Osama bin Laden. These attacks led

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Comments ( 27 )
  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27

Thank you for watching!

Chapter 2 of PokePon is up and running, hope you like it.

It says that you are following me XD

However everyone who follows me is a stalker... It's a joke really XD

What does it say when I follow you? XD

  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27
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