• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 19th, 2020

The DM

Dungeon Master (DM) - the organizer and participant in charge of creating the details and challenges of a given adventure, while maintaining a realistic continuity of events.

Those Things That I Somehow Wrote


It's Finally Happening · 4:56pm Jun 20th, 2018

Report The DM · 1,211 views · Story: Voidrunner ·
Comments ( 53 )
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Been over 4 years since last on the site, DM it was fun while it lasted and thank you for the stories. I wish you well in your future endeavors and well...See you out there.

Wherever you are "The DM", I wish you the best.

Just had to pop in and re-read some of these "dusty" e-books.

Still love Voyage's End, just an awesome story. Time to re-read Voidrunner. Thanks again for your stories DM.

Voidrunner is an OUTSTANDING story. I've read it at least 4 times over the years. Have it saved in the libraries of all my devices.

Dm, you have returned to us, and we shall still wait, we will wait for however long it takes, for you to finish your story

Would this be a rewrite or a sequel

  • Viewing 49 - 53 of 53
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