• Member Since 11th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 22nd, 2022


Sloth is one of the Seven Deadly Sins


wow holy moly it's been five years · 6:53am Feb 11th, 2021

Give or take, it's been five years. I don't know how many of you are still around or still following me. A lot has changed and not much for the better. I'm out of school, working my ass off, and I'm just now finding it in me to work on fan content. I've mostly transitioned to original content that I've still yet to publish in any capacity.

Seriously, if any of y'all are still around, hook a brother up on discord, I want to get back in touch

Report SouthernmostDogs · 130 views ·
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1206851 I'm just asking since I don't get many readers anymore, so I like to bounce around from time to time on my stories to see the old readers.


The hell do you think, bro? Of course I remember the craziest man or mare or extradimensional genderfluid Swiss Army Knife on this site!

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