• Member Since 10th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 19th, 2022


Is there anything I need to say? A Juggabrony is here, baby! WOOP WOOP! PASS THE APPLE CIDER!


BEN 2.0 · 5:34am Feb 14th, 2015

Just a quick note that I'm not dead. I'm just writing to celebrate the release of Majora 3D. Also, I am quite literally done - I just need to clean up one section on the last fight, add appropriate timestamps, and do grammatical cleanup.... but...

I'll do that shit later. I gots me a remake to play!

Take care,


Report HylianJuggalo · 326 views ·

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Comments ( 34 )
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Thanks for the favorite!

Yooo I saw your comment the other day! Thanks for the fave!

Comment posted by afterceasetoexist deleted May 9th, 2018

Still got writers block?

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